php function strip all html tags

php - Strip HTML Tags in Zend Framework - Stack Overflow.
? Using PHP, given a string such as: this is a <strong>string</strong>; I need a function to strip.
It is annoying that the_excerpt() adds a <p> tag surrounding text or html, so I. text for manipulation in php functions, so if all you want to do is get rid of html tags .
PHP :: Parsing - Strip HTML Tags Using A Black List?
HTML::StripTags - Strip HTML or XML tags from a string with Perl.
How do you remove ALL HTML tags with. im guessing you would have to use the PHP function.
I am trying to strip all html tags except <p>,<br>,<strong>,<b> from input data from the following: public function init() { parent::init(); $this->fields.
function remove_font_tags_without_attr($html) { $pattern = "/<font[s]*?>(.*?)</ font[s]*>/im". A I need remove all font tags without attributes.
Jan 8, 2011. strip_tags is a default HTML Tag stripper in PHP. However, it can't strip some of the tags, so this enhanced version called strip_html_tags will.
I want to remove all tags except the img tag, .. PHP function to remove String without HTML tags in the given html. lang-php. about faq badges.
However, one thing that I can't figure out is the html tags. It's stripping out. Btw, the code I put in functions.php that just made the whole excerpt disappear was:.
PHP - Regex, remove font tag - Stack Overflow.
regex - Remove html tags without attributes (php) - Stack Overflow.
How do I strip all javascript out of an HTML document using PHP.
PHP: Sanitize filters - Manual.